Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle / Magic Pockets


Platform: 3DS

Publisher: Activision

Release date: 08-05-2014

Pitch: “New York City’s crime rates are still on the rise and the city’s civilians are trembling in fear! Baxter is formulating an evil plan and this time he has both mutants and robots at his disposal. Join the local brethren of vigilantes who need to rally together to put a stop to this evil once and for all! It’s team TMNT, Splinter and April O’ Neil in the fight against the worst evil to face the beloved NYC in this adrenaline-pumping story!”


Period: December 2012 – June 2014

Role: Lead Level Designer (& Additional Game Designer)


My missions:

  • Led level design and level building team during pre-production and production
  • Collaborated with teams of artists and designers to enhance level design process using Visio
  • Designed, scripted and enhanced 10 levels built in Maya from paper design to post production
  • Assisted lead game designer in designing, refining and tweaking gameplay mechanics


No trailer has been created for this game – Here is a fan made walkthrough of the game.